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From one extreme to the other. Firstly it was a wet, miserable London to a deliciously warm and sunny 45C in Melbourne in January; this month I left the tropical temps of Koh Samui for a freak blizzard back home. And I'm not amused. I love 'proper' winters, with sunshine and snow - enough snow to ski on, chalets that serve hot wine and even hotter pots of yumminess. But the odd inch of the white stuff that serves no purpose other than causing utter travel chaos...less pleased. However, leaving work late at night in this weather does have its benefits; the roads are eerily quiet, snow brings that sense of peace, and the tourists go into hiding, leaving perfect photo ops for locals. I almost got locked into the Tower this evening, on my way home, which would have left me as frozen as the mermaid & dolphin statue in the picture below.....

The past couple of weeks at home have been non-stop, and next week promises no rest either. However, due to the weather, a couple of gaps have cropped up in the diary, and so if you need a session before I disappear next Friday, then shout loudly & quickly, as they'll be allocated on a first come, first served, basis.

Doing 80 sessions in 2 weeks was hard going, and not something I'm going to be replicating at home. But it was fun, and I do like to venture off this little island, discover new places and meet all you lovely new people. Next stop LA, for those Cali or US based who can make it over, and possibly a return to Asia in a month's time. If you want me to go somewhere, as long as the numbers add up, and my passport is valid, I'll come!

There have been quite a few remarkable changes that I have been privileged to witness recently, and it never ceases to amaze me how transformational The Rolf Method of Structural Integration can be. Yes, I experienced it, but I thought I might have been lucky, had a one-off experience, but it does seem to have profound effects on a lot of people, from a wide range of backgrounds, industries and health issues. Sometimes one session or one ten series is enough; other times, it can be much later on when the 'moment' hits you. No time is 'right' or 'wrong'; it just is what it is and only when you and your body are ready. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, if you are able to find time to get away from it all and just be, then that goes a long way to solving a lot of issues. Giving yourself permission to rest and relax allows the body to start healing; if you can assist it by adding in specialised bodywork (or any other healing modality that suits you), you will start to feel better in no time at all. I have been invited to return to both Ananda and Kamalaya; watch this space for next dates. Or, if you know of somewhere that would be a good match, do let me know too!

Stay warm!

With much love & aloha xx

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The Polished Onion, Structural Integration, Rolfing, Rolf Method, London, Anna Collins, layers, fascia

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